Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cancer Or Is It Christ In You

They call “cancer” the big “C” word. Is it really? I beg to differ as a Christian.
I hope the information in this article will give hope to you who have been given no hope because a doctor has diagnosed you with cancer.
I would hope you would rather focus your attention on “Christ” no matter what stage of cancer has been diagnosed and no matter whether you are a Christian or not. “Christ” should be the big “C” word in your life right now and there is nothing to fear when you use it. What does it mean? It means, “The Anointed One” and refers to His anointing. Jesus is the Christ, “The Anointed One”. And His anointing is burden removing, yoke destroying power. There is no type of cancer that can stand up to the anointing of Christ, the Anointed One. And contrary to some, He is still anointed today to remove all curses, including cancer, from all people and still wants to “heal them all” just like He did in the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. KJV This revelation of Christ’s anointing should rid us of all fear of cancer. Many just need to be given the revelation of Christ’s anointing and that it is free and available to all just like chemotherapy or radiation is readily available. The chemotherapy and radiation are costly but the anointing is free and available to all.
I know there are many questions that arise when we talk about healing and so I hope my answers from the Word of God will convince you that Christ and His anointing is available to you just as easily as the chemotherapy or radiation.
What is cancer anyway? Cancer is a disease. So according to the Bible since it is a disease then cancer is a curse. If you look at Deuteronomy 28, you will find all the curses that are a result of not keeping the Law of Moses and cancer being a disease is included.
Now since cancer is a curse, you as a Christian have been redeemed from all the curses listed under the Law according to Galatians. How did that happen? Galatians 3:13-14 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; KJV You see Christ actually purchased your freedom from cancer or any other curse when He became a curse and hung on His cross. See, His sacrifice was for your total man, spirit, soul and body.
Some believe God gave them cancer. Did God give you cancer? If He did, then Christ Jesus was cursed for no reason for you and you might as well take Galatians 3:13 out of your bible. But I don’t want to take Galatians 3:13 out of my bible because I have received healing by taking that promise as my very own and you can also.
If you believe God gave you cancer, my question to you is; where would God get cancer to give it to you and why would He give it to you? There is no cancer in heaven for God to give it to you and it would be contrary to the bible for God to give you a curse. James 1:17-18 Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows. 18 In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession. NLT God never changes. His desire to bless you never changes.
If He put cancer on you He would be putting a curse on you and therefore He would be ignoring Galatians 3:13 and Jesus becoming a curse for you so that you could receive the blessing.
Some say cancer and other bad things happen to you because God is punishing you for your sins or is trying to teach you something or make you a better witness. Why would God give you cancer or any other bad thing to punish you for your sins; when as a Christian, God has punished Jesus for all of your present sins, past sins, and even our future sins from the foundation of the earth.
Ephesians 1:2-7 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. 7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; KJV
Why would God give you cancer to teach you something? Would you give your children something bad to hurt them or destroy them so they could learn something? Certainly not. Being a good parent you would sit them down and tell them not only not to do some thing again but you would show them why it is wrong and the consequence of it. And anyway, teaching your children by abuse, don’t people get arrested for child abuse in our society? Then how could God not be guilty of abuse if He put cancer on His children to teach them something or for any other reason and how could He not be guilty of not keeping His Word, especially Galatians 3:13.
Here is what the Word of God says about correction from God to His children: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), 17 So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. AMP

Don't Want a Cigarette Help Quit Smoking Is Here

Don't Want a Cigarette: Help Quit Smoking Is Here!
If you don't want a cigarette: help quit smoking is what you need. Many people are tired of smoking and do not want to continue it. But their addiction drives them to continue to buy cigarettes. The nicotine in there blood stream will not let them just give up it grabs them with constant cravings until the person finally gives in.
Smokers often fight daily with their cravings for more and more nicotine. It is a substance that once in the body has an extremely difficult time letting go. People who have only smoked for a couple of months can still find quitting smoking to be extremely difficult. For those that have smoked for years and year, the idea of quitting smoking is two fold.
Heavy smokers have to fight against the nicotine addiction and try to become smoke-free over time. It is difficult for the body to rely on nicotine and then have to start functioning on less and less of it. But most heavy smokers find that a gradual cessation from the nicotine or tobacco works best for them. Becoming totally smokeless can often take several months.
The second part of quitting for, people who have smoked for several years, is the lifestyle changes that it will bring. For years the person has spent hundreds of dollars on cigarettes every month. They are now faced with a surplus of cash that can be hard to handle productively. Smokers also have developed habits or rituals that surround their smoking habit. These may include meeting friends at work during smoke breaks or going to a favorite bar to smoke and have a drink.
When the smoker is finally able to quit smoking their trigger spots will still be there. If there was a certain restaurant that they always smoked at it may be hard to eat there and not have a cigarette. These responses are normal and it does not matter if you quit smoking cold turkey or did it over a long period of time. The craving for nicotine can last years after a person has quit smoking.
It is important for a person who is trying to quit smoking to incorporate other lifestyle changes into their lives. If they normally meet for a smoking break twice a day it may be helpful to use that time to go for a walk. Smokers need to recognize their triggers and learn to avoid situations that are tempting to them.
Through monitoring of their environment and adjusting their quitting techniques it is possible for people at all smoking levels to quit. Quitting smoking may take a different amount of time for each individual and there is not RIGHT or specific program that can guarantee success.
A smoker that is aware of their triggers and is able to avoid them when necessary will have a better probability of quitting smoking and sticking to it. Millions of people every year try to quit smoking; it is a difficult thing to do. But extremely worth it for the people who do it.
Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult addiction-breaking processes one can go through. For more helpful, supportive tips, articles and information sources on facing this challenge please visit us

How colon polyps can lead to cancer

How colon polyps can lead to cancerColon cancer starts with colon polyps. Polyps are growths in the inner lining of your colon walls. They are formed when the inner lining is irritated or attacked by fecal matter toxins. When you have polyps your risks of getting colon cancer increases dramatically. To prevent getting colon cancer you need to prevent getting polyps.
If you have polyps then you need to prevent them from becoming cancerous. Here are some ideas that you can use in preventing colon cancer whether you have or do not have polyps.Polyps occur when your fecal matter is toxic and becomes stagnant. When your fecal matter stops moving in your colon, then toxic matter in the fecal matter comes in contact with your colon wall. It is this colon area that becomes irritated and over time weakens. As inflammation sets in and irritation continues, toxins are absorbed into the colon wall and a growth occurs. This growth will continue as long as you continue to have toxic fecal matter and constipation.Here are two things that can help you from creating and irritating polyps. First eliminate any form of constipation. You have constipation if you don't have at least two bowel movements daily when you have three meals a day. Determine how long it takes for your food to pass through your body. A good rule of thumb is, it should take about 24 hours for food to travel from your mouth and out your anus.After you eat breakfast in the morning, drink 6 - 8 oz of any juice with 2 oz of liquid chlorophyll. You can use 2 oz of red beet juice if you prefer. Then check when you start to see either green or red stools. This is your colon transit time. If it takes more than 24 hours then you need to reduce this time.Preventing colon cancer requires that fecal matter move through your colon without remaining at one spot for too long.The second thing you can do to prevent colon cancer is to change your fecal matter toxic level. Two things that make your fecal matter more toxic are undigested food and carcinogenic chemicals. Since, most processed foods such as breads, packaged foods, cooked foods, processed meats, and pasteurized liquids lack digestive enzymes, your body is unable to digest all of the food that you eat. When undigested food reaches the colon, it is decomposed by bad bacteria and becomes highly toxic.To correct this toxicity, start eating more raw foods such as fruits and vegetables, which are filled with enzymes. Try ten servings a day. It's a lot isn't it? But, that what we need to stop colon cancer or other colon irritations.
Next, read food labels and avoid those foods, as much as possible, which contain excessive preservative, coloring, dyes, fillers, and food stabilizers. There are hundreds of chemicals that are added to your food which help to keep the food from falling apart and decaying. Many of these chemicals are not digested in the small intestine and move into the colon where then make the fecal matter more toxic.These are two steps that you can start applying for preventing colon cancer. If you have polyps, then these steps will help to keep them in check and reduce your risk of getting colon cancer.
Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist, write on health and emotional issues. To get more free tips and information on colon cancer go to: for information on toxic colon go to : and for his newsletter go to:


Cancer, according to recent reports, kills more people than do road accidents and air accidents put together. Cancer has become the single most dreaded killer disease, striking more and more people. World over there has been a whopping increase in the number people being afflicted with Cancer. While in the US it is mostly Colon,Breast and Lung Cancers that afflict people most, in Australia ,Skin cancer too joins the list. In the developing countries like India, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer and Liver Cancer dominate, along with Oral Cancer because of the large number of Tobacco-chewing people.
Cancer patients are on the rise, but the heartening factor is that great advancements are being made in treating cancer. New effective drugs are being used, new pain alleviating methods treatments are in place and advanced surgical techniques are being deployed. This phenomenon of great developments in Oncology (the study and treatment of Cancer) is spreading throughout the world without exception. The far-reaching and beneficial results of the untiring research in the field of Oncology, are definitely going to reach out to the suffering millions of Cancer patients, imparting them hope and alleviation.
Cancer is a double-edged sword. It strikes a patient physically and it causes untold mental trauma. They say Cancer is curable if detected early. Early detections do occur but these constitute an abysmally low percentage of the total number of Cancer cases detected. In developing countries like India, routine health checks are unheard of. People approach the hospital or the doctor only when they fall sick. Here most Cancer cases are detected only at an advanced stage, with metastases already in progress.
Cancer gives one the stark realization that an incurable affliction has struck entailing huge treatment expenses with negligible chances of survival. On top of this the concern that the surviving members of the patient's family would face serious financial issues, wreaks mental havoc on the patient as well as the family. But still the treatment has to be somehow undergone. The initial shock at being told by your doctor that you have Cancer, is followed by dejection and self-pity. It is very hard indeed to accept the fact that one has Cancer. Then follows the protracted courses of treatment -Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiation, not necessarily in that order.
Cancer treatment is indeed traumatic,both physically and mentally. The cost of treatment apart, the treatment itself leaves long-standing scars on the mind as well as the body. The Chemo Injections have a wide range of side-effects like loss of hair, nausea and lowering the vital blood count, leaving the door open to infections. Continuous care and monitoring are vital. Surgery of course ,means removal of the affected part. Radiation too leaves scars and permanent discomforts to the patient's body, the most prominent being the unbearable burning sensation on the skin.
Cancer patients have to somehow generate the will to survive and withstand the traumas of treatment. Keeping the mind diverted during the treatment helps. Listening to Music, Listening to Cancer patients who have survived the crusade, Reading -all these things help. Everything helps- the kind words from a well-wisher, the soothing prayers of the believers, the constant attention by the nurses and the doctors- every little thing helps.
Cancer patients, best of all , have to believe in themselves. But thanks to modern medicine, new cancer-fighting drugs are available. It has been found that in the case of even advanced Breast cancers , hormone treatments are providing miraculous recoveries. Transplants are too helping the cause, like liver and lung transplants. Even the dreaded Leukemia which meant certain death, today is being treated with a great amount of success. New medicines, New technologies, New treatment approaches are working together to rid humanity of this great malignancy that is Cancer.
Cancer care today lays the emphasis on treating not only the patient, but the patient's family as well. The goal is to get patients home as quickly as possible, for as long as possible, helped by home nursing aides. The philosophy is to let the patient have a say in his own treatment, to the extent it is medically safe.
Cancer treatment has shown that the key is not to lose hope at any time. It may sometimes seem that life is going to ebb away. You may come perilously close to the edge. But do hold on. Have faith! In God or the Doctors or the people around you. It doesn't matter who it is that you are banking on. All that matters is that you hang on!
Cancer today is becoming curable. Is this not enough to help.